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II Konferencja EN

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Łukasiewicz Research Network — Automotive Industry Institute

Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology


– challenges and opportunities for the economy
 national defence




Date & Place

Conference topics

unmanned land vehicles – technologies and systems; V2X location and communication systems; artificial intelligence as applied to vehicle automation; legal – technical and ethical aspects of automation of transportation means and systems; vehicle and system automation systems in application to national security defense; safety, research and testing of vehicle automation systems


Key elements of the conference

thematic plenary sessions; vehicle technology showcase; industry and promotional sessions; exhibition zone; networking


Conditions of participation

Applications for participation in the conference should be sent via the completed registration form at the top of this page.


Costs of participation

Personal package – cost per conference participant:


II WITH REFEREE 1400 zł + 23% VAT

The price includes:

  • participation in the conference;
  • full board during the conference;
  • evening networking dinner;
  • conference materials.

*applies to papers qualified to be presented during the conference.

The qualification process of submitted papers will be carried out by the scientific committee on the basis of the abstract sent to: konferencja@pimot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl by 15 October 2024.

Guidelines for the preparation of the abstract of the paper are available in the ‘Downloads’ section. Information about the qualified paper to be presented will be sent to the author after the qualification process. The number of places is limited.


NOTE: The price does not include accommodation. Please book your accommodation directly at the Hotel Centrum Kongresowe Warszawianka. Tel: +48 22 768 90 00; e-mail: rezerwacja@warszawianka.pl. You will receive a discount on accommodation booking using the password: ‘PIMOT’.

Business package – promotional cost for companies (does not include cost per person):


The price includes:

  • possibility to give a paper or presentation in the industrial-promotional session;
  • placing the Partner’s logo on the conference materials;
  • placement of an active logo on the conference website with redirection to the Partner’s website;
  • possibility to distribute Partner’s advertising materials during the event;
  • possibility to place the Partner’s roll-up in the plenary hall of the conference;
  • possibility of presenting your Partner in the exhibition area.


Price includes:

  • standard package scope;
  • display of Partner’s vehicle/equipment outside the building during the event.






Please send your application for participation in the conference by completing the registration form by 31.10.2024 to: konferencja@pimot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl.

Sending the registration form constitutes a legally binding commitment to pay the costs of participation in the conference and an agreement to issue an invoice.

Cancellation of participation after 10.11.2024 obliges the participant to pay all costs related to participation.




The conference fee must be paid by 31 October 2024.

Transfer details:
Łukasiewicz – Industrial Institute of Automotive Engineering
55 Jagiellońska Street, 03-301 Warsaw
account no: 50 1050 1025 1000 0090 8398 5169
transfer title: 2nd Scientific and Technical Conference + application number


  • once you have sent the application form to konferencja@pimot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl we will send you the application number, which you should include in the title of the transfer;
  • we will send you an invoice upon receipt of payment;
  • registration for participation is a commitment to payment, cancellation of participation not notified by e-mail by 10 November 2024 does not release from payment.



Scientific Committee

Prof. Marek Gzik, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Secretary of State, Ministry of Science and Higher Education – honorary member
Prof. Jerzy Małachowski, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Director, National Centre for Research and Development – honorary member
Witold Luty, DSc, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Automotive Industry Institute – Chair
Col. Dr. Michał Ceremuga, Eng. -The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Col. Prof. Mariusz Wesołowski, DSc, Eng. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Dr. Karol Zielonka, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Automotive Industry Institute
Prof. Zbigniew Lozia, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Automotive Industry Institute
Prof. Leon Prochowski, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Automotive Industry Institute
Prof. Mirosław Gidlewski, DSc, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Automotive Industry Institute
Col. Dr. Jarosław Kończak, Eng. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Dr. Marek Nowakowski, Eng. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Prof. Przemysław Simiński, DSc, Eng. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Prof. Lech Starczewski, DSc, Eng. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Prof. Bogdan Żółtowski, DSc, PhD, Eng., Hon. DSc. – The Military Institute of Armoured and Automotive Technology
Prof. Jan Awrejcewicz, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Lodz University of Technology
Prof. Anna Borucka, DSc, Eng. – Military University of Technology
Ph.D. M.Eng. Artur Dubrawski – Carnegie Mellon University
Prof. Marek Guzek, PhD, Eng. – Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Jerzy Jackowski, DSc, Eng. – Military University of Technology
Prof. Marianna Jacyna, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Robert Janczur, DSc, Eng. – Cracow University of Technology
Prof. Marek Jaśkiewicz, DSc, Eng. – Kielce University of Technology
Prof. Rafał Jurecki, DSc, Eng. – Kielce University of Technology
Prof. Michał Kuciej, PhD, DSc, Eng. – Białystok University of Technology
Lt Gen. Dariusz Łukowski – National Security Bureau
Prof. Krzysztof Parczewski, DSc, Eng. – University of Bielsko-Biala
Prof. Milos Poliak, PhD, DSc, Eng. – University of Žilina, Slovakia
Prof. Tomasz Lech Stańczyk, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Kielce University of Technology
Dr. Paweł Stężycki, Eng. – Łukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation
Prof. Piotr Szynkarczyk, DSc, Eng. – Łukasiewicz — Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements
Prof. Grzegorz Ślaski, DSc, Eng. – Poznan University of Technology
 Prof. Lucjan Śnieżek, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Warsaw University of Technology
Prof. Wojciech Wach, DSc, Eng. – Institute of Forensic Research (IES)
Brig. Gen. Prof. Przemysław Wachulak, DSc, PhD, Eng. – Military University of Technology
Prof. Dariusz Żardecki, DSc, Eng. – Military University of Technology
Dr. Eng. Michał Chmiel – Scientific and Research Centre for Fire Protection – National Research Institute



Honorary patronary






Media patrons















Łukasiewicz – PIMOT:

tel. 22 777 72 95
tel. 730 227 578

e-mail  konferencja@pimot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl




tel. 22 783 19 28
tel. 665 138 750


In connection with the 2nd Scientific and Technical Conference ‘AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES – Challenges and Opportunities for the Economy and National Defence’, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Article 13(1) and (2)), we provide the following information.
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Industrial Automotive Institute, based in Warsaw at Jagiellońska 55, 03-301 Warsaw
Data Protection Inspector:
The Administrator has appointed a Data Protection Inspector, who can be contacted in matters related to personal data protection in writing by e-mail at: iod@pimot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl or by postal mail writing to the Administrator’s registered office address with the annotation ‘Personal data’.
Purposes and grounds for processing:
(a) To establish contact with event participants – Article 6(1)(f) RODO – the Administrator’s legitimate interest in contacting event participants.
b) Registration and contacting participants as part of organisational activities prior to the event as well as providing selected materials after the event – article 6(1)(b) RODO – performance of a contract.
c) Accounting for the event – Article 6(1)(c) RODO – fulfilment of a legal obligation incumbent on the Administrator – accounting and tax handling including invoicing.
d) Maintaining a list of participants – Article 6(1)(f) RODO – the Administrator’s legitimate interest in ensuring security at the event.
e) Documenting the event in the form of videos and digital photography in any format – Article 6(1)(f) RODO – the Administrator’s legitimate interest in promoting the event on the website and on official social media (FB, LinkedIn, YouTube and Portal X). By signing up for the event, participants authorise the dissemination of their image.f) Keeping statistics and reports and archiving for the Administrator’s internal needs related to the number of participants in the event – Article 6(1)(f) of the DPA – legitimate interest of the Administrator.
g) Investigating or defending against possible claims related to the organisation of the event – Article 6(1)(f) RODO – the Administrator’s legitimate interest in being able to establish, investigate or defend against claims.
Recipients of data:
Personal data may be made available to entities entitled to receive them under the provisions of applicable law.Data may be shared with the co-organiser of the event. Data may be shared with entities involved in the organisation of the event including photographers, IT service providers. As well as postal operators, couriers, banks, a law firm or a debt collection company.
Duration of personal data processing:Personal data will be stored for the period of the contract, then for the period indicated by tax and accounting regulations.In connection with the assertion of claims, the data may be stored until they are time-barred, but no longer than 3 years.
In the case of data processed on the basis of the Administrator’s legitimate interest, until an objection is lodged.
Rights of persons:
Every person has the right to request access to their data, rectification, erasure, portability, restriction of processing, to object to processing, and the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Authority.  Permission to disseminate an image may be withdrawn at any time. Dissemination that occurred before the withdrawal of the permission cannot be contested.
Provision of data:
The provision of personal data is necessary for the conclusion of the contract.

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