Research Group for Fuels and Bioeconomy
The Department of Fuels and Bioeconomy performs research and development in the field of fuels and biofuels for the transportation and energy sectors, within the scope of:
- developing production technologies for fuels, alternative fuels and biofuels,
- biotechnological, chemical and hybrid conversion of biomass and waste substances,
- studying the potential of methane-generating raw materials of various origin.
The department’s employees conduct research on the environmental impact of processes involving the acquisition and preparation of raw materials as well as technological processes realized in areas of the bioeconomy and perform work associated with analysis of the raw materials potential in Poland as well as with the development and optimization of technological paths for processing of raw materials in biorefining systems.

Scope of activity:
- Research on biological and thermochemical conversion of biomass/waste of various origin into biofuels and other products with high value added,
- Research on optimization of production technology for advanced biofuels,
- Research in the scope of the formulation, storage and application of fuels, biofuels and other operating fluids,
- Quality assessment of fuels and biofuels,
- Development of a concept of a biorefinery integrating the production of many products with high value added,
- Optimization of technological paths in biorefining systems,
- Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of products and processes and modeling of scenarios reducing adverse environmental impact, including assessment according to sustainable development criteria,
- Calculation of the carbon footprint of products and/or organizations,
- Modeling of the use of raw materials and waste throughout the entire life cycle of products according to the principles of the circular economy,
- Development of research and development strategies as well as implementation strategies with regard to biofuels and the bioeconomy.
- Opining on drafts of legal regulations, participation in work involving the establishment of policy principles for the development of motor fuels and biofuels in Poland, considering regulations binding within the European Union
- Involvement in standardization work within the area of fuels and biofuels,
- Opining on innovation,
- Expert consulting in the area of new fuel technologies and technical regulations pertaining to fuels,
The Department takes part in creating research policy in selected area of the bioeconomy, among other things, through participation in Working Groups of: the Polish Technological Bioeconomy Platform, European Technological Platforms, and the European Bioeconomy Consortium.
Experts from the Department are active on:
- the European Technology and Innovation PlatformETIP (,
- the International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA (
- The European Bio-Based Industries Consortium BIC (,
- The Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas Industry, UPEBI (,
- the Polish Technological Bioeconomy Platform, and the Department’s representatives coordinate activities of the “Biorefineries and Biofuels” Working Group,
- Supraregional Scientific-Industrial Center (BIO)-Polymers-Materials-Technologies for the Economy POLINTEGRA (,
- the Polish Standardization Committee.